Rwth Learning Agreement before the Mobility

When preparing for a study abroad experience at RWTH Aachen University in Germany, one important document to be aware of is the Learning Agreement Before the Mobility.

This agreement serves as a contract between the student, the home university, and the host university, outlining the courses the student will take during their exchange and ensuring that credits will transfer back to the home institution. By completing the Learning Agreement Before the Mobility, students can ensure that they will not face any transfer credit issues upon return.

Here are a few key things to keep in mind when filling out the Learning Agreement Before the Mobility for RWTH Aachen:

1. Course Selection: The agreement requires students to list the courses they plan to take during their time at RWTH Aachen. It is important to carefully consider course prerequisites and schedules to ensure that they can realistically be completed during the exchange.

2. Credit Transfer: The Learning Agreement Before the Mobility must be signed by all parties involved, including the host institution. This ensures that the credits earned at RWTH Aachen will be recognized and transferred back to the home institution.

3. Deadlines: It is important to note the deadlines for submitting the Learning Agreement Before the Mobility. RWTH Aachen recommends submitting the form three months prior to the start of the exchange to ensure adequate time for processing.

4. Changes: If there are any changes to the courses selected or other details of the exchange, it is important to update the Learning Agreement Before the Mobility accordingly. This can help prevent issues with credit transfer upon return.

Overall, the Learning Agreement Before the Mobility is an important document for any student planning to study abroad at RWTH Aachen University. By carefully considering course selection and following the guidelines provided, students can ensure a successful exchange experience with no issues regarding credit transfer.

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